
Interview with Polish designer Anna Szuflicka

Clicca qui per la versione italiana dell’intervista a Anna Szuflicka

Anna Szuflicka designer polaccaWhat originally made you want to become a designer?

My first experience of creation took place when I was a little girl, about 5-6 years old. I had spended a lot of time drawing and making many plasticine little forms.

I had created whole scenery, animal families and elements of scenography to stories that I had in my head. It bringes me a lot of joy to make something that was only in my head real.

I think that very important aspect was also the way that my father told me stories when I was little. He was inventing a story and then, at the same time, he was telling and drawing that what he was talking about. I really loved that and I think that helped me to develop my imagination.

I think I never had a moment when I decided that design is my way. While studying I got to know different aspects of design and fine arts and I just felt that the product design gives me a lot of joy and satisfaction.

Duality Anna Szuflicka

Duality by Anna Szuflicka

What’s it like being a designer in Poland?

From my perspective now it’s very specific and interesting time for design in Poland – from one side there is great interest in this area, a lot of events, festivals, fairs and a lot of design fields started to develop very fast, but there’s also some kind of difficulty to find the one’s which are valuables.

There are many things to do in the subject of Polish design and I’m very glad that I’m working here and now.

What do you enjoy the most about creating?

Creating is for me like solving riddles. Moment that I like the most is the one in which I feel that I have found the solution. Very often it is a very short time and you need to re-look for solutions

Worms Anna Szuflicka foto Kamila Szuba 2

Worms by Anna Szuflicka (ph Kamila Szuba)

What products are you launching this year?

I’ve just finished working on the project of wall clock, which I hope will be on offer before the end of this year. Now I’m working at small serier of tablecloths and at new kind of lamp.

Are there any materials or techniques you’d like to explore?

At this moment I’m starting to explore closer the wood and its features. Also for several years is the glass witch seduces me and I think that in the near future I would like to be more familiar with it.

Solejka Anna Szuflicka foto Franciszek Buchner 2

Solejka by Anna Szuflicka (ph Franciszek Buchner)

What tips would you give to anybody who is looking to get started in design?

I think that I’m also at the beginning of my professional, but I think that the most important thing is to trust your intuition and constantly undermine and check your decisions, at the same time.

What are your professional goals for the near future?

I would like to continue doing what I deal with at the moment and improve my actions. In the future, I hope for some new experiences and challenges that will allow me to meet new people, materials, technologies or ways of working.

Worms Anna Szuflicka foto Kamila Szuba

Worms by Anna Szuflicka (ph Kamila Szuba)

Anna Szuflicka website

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